I'll keep it short

This one is a pretty short post... Again a haven't play much since last time; a couple of sessions (some pretty short ones), good news are I'm still above the zero line so that's a good thing. I need to come with a plan, some sort of organization on my part in order to play as much as I'd like to play. There are times that after I sit on the table my girlfriend calls that needs me to pick her up, that complicate things because the time that I dedicate to poker gets messed up. Usually I like to play for at least 1 and a half or 2 hours, loosing  an hour doings things unrelated to poker really bugs me and with one hour left (according to what I've planned) to play... Well I don't do it...

Don't know if I mention this before but I'm playing 4 tables now (used to play 6). On the good side I'm paying more attention to the game; I have more time to think about the hand, what my opponent is doing, what the HUD says about the opponent, a lot of things. But I don't play as many hands as I used to, but playing less and winning more is good right? Badbeats are no longer an issue to me, or at least they haven't been for a while. I think I finally understood the fact that they are part of the game and can't be avoided. Of course stupid people are stupid but that works both ways (as profit for you or a lucky win for your opponent).

I've played only 12 sessions this month... Pretty lame indeed but I'm not loosing either. Since my graph hasn't change much since last time I'm not gonna bother showing it, also no hand history today. I'll try to play some more this week before the end of the month, if I do I'll make a better post :).

I started playing soccer again last Friday and I feel pretty good; my legs is behaving correctly, still I don't want to force, I'll take it nice and slow. Next month I'll start the gym again and see how it goes.

Just finished Hannibal and it's mind-blowing, can't wait for the next season. So many series :O but they're all good. This is supposed to be short so I'll leave it like this, see ya


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