June Review and a little look at the future

To explain it plain and simple this month just sucked poker-wise... I didn't play much, just a couple of short sessions and I think I ended up just a little up the +EV line... Nothing to do about it now but since it's July 1st I decided to make a new gameplan for the rest of the month; there are a lot of ideas in my mind so I'll try to break it in parts (in both my personal life and poker).

As I said before June was a very bad month poker-wise. I played a very small number of session, in one of them I quit after 9 minutes and lost 3 buy-ins...  But overall I didn't played well, ended up making some terrible choices and even though I had the time I didn't felt like playing much; maybe that had something to do with it I don't know... Bottom line is that I need to start planning ahead and see if I can get better results.

First I'm gonna start posting a review of the month with the EV graph of that particular month, that way I can keep track of my progress monthly instead of worrying about my overall progress which tends to get a little stressful. I'm back at playing 6 tables, I need to increase my volume of hands 'cause it's very very small at the moment. The plan for this month is to play at least 4 times a week for at least an hour and a half, I'd like to give myself a number of hands to play too but I'm not sure the average number of hands I play under those circumstances... Maybe next month.

My birthday was on June 27 and my gf got my a very cool cake

She knows my thing with poker and I was really surprise when I found that cake in my room :D it was very cool, other than that it was a pretty normal day we talked and ate a lot with my family and friends. Since I can start exercising again I will start the gym today again (even though my leg hurts a little bit still), need to start eating better, hopefully I'll get invited to play some soccer; the plan is to start the routine again but taking care of not pushing myself so hard (meaning not to push my leg so hard). I expect to do ok and not loose my many again... I'm planing to go on a trip next month, it will involve to watch the Guinness International Champions Cup (Juventus is playing) and play some poker, I'll play some cash tables and maybe a tournament or two, we'll see. Also I'm thinking about starting my blog on pokerschool but that will happen only if I start playing again on Pokerstars. I think that's all for now, I try to post twice a month so talk about my progress. My instagram page is "jorgevolante", I post all kinds of pics while I'm playing so feel free to follow me, see ya gl on the tables (Y)


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