Mid-September Review

I begun the month playing pretty much like all the time, but after posting my current stats on ArtySmokesPS's forum it turns out I've been playing way too many hands and there's a big gap between my VPIP and PFR stats. Ended up printing his hand charts and started playing with them at hand to see if there's any change. So far I've been avoiding a couple of tricky spots so I'm pretty happy with how that's turning out.

After a good start this month, last couple of sessions had been very rough. A couple of river cards took away a couple of buying that otherwise would turn my results upside down, but that's poker... I'm trying to use the color coding option at Pokerstars and also trying to pay closer attention to stats on the HM2 (even though sometimes I end up calling just to prove me right...) 'cause you have it there to use it right?

At the end the graph shows that I'm pretty much breaking even in my cash games... Which is not the whole point but well...

I got a ticket for The Big Bang freeroll yesterday and finished 55th for $16, not much but better than nothing. At the end it's the only profit I've seen so far.

Other than that I finished reading The Mental Game of Poker; great book, easy to read and it gives a couple of advises and examples anyone can related to. As I said a previous post now I'm reading Small Stakes NL Hold'em hoping to learn something good out of it.

Outside of poker things seem to be running pretty smoothly. I'm hitting the gym 5 to 6 times a week, already gained 6,5 pounds (got to be muscle 'cause I don't see more fat xd) and I feel great. Been playing tennis and soccer any chance I've got, hopefully I'll be ready to hit the beach later on before the end of the year ;)

Despite the small amount of time available I  just finished Hitman: Absolution, Metal Gear Rising: Revenge (just got it on the PS3, already done) and almost done with Half-Life: Blue Shift; finishing games nice and slow before buying a lot more xD I'm thinking about buying a new video card, so far I'm leaning towards to the EVGA GTX 760 FTW with 4GB. It will come with Batman: Arkham Origins so it seems like the right choice, a bit expensive but not as much as other crazy ones.

Also I'm watching the 4th season of Breaking Bad, trying to catch up before the premier of the last episode of the series (to be amazed with everyone else). Need to hurry 'cause Person of Interest is almost out too. Wanting to catch up with the 5th season of The Mentalist but there's just not enough time...

The plan for the rest of the month is to continue playing sessions, improving my game, getting hands on the others players and hopefully end up with enough buy-ins to dream about moving up by the end of next month. Until the see ya later, gl on the tables!


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