September/Mid-October Review

Been a little busy so I haven't had much time to blog around but I'm back again. I ended September without much progress moving towards my goal of getting to $150 to start playing 5NL, but on October things changed a little bit. I ended September wining an estimate of $20, a small number but since the month started with a loss and I had to climb my way up I think it's ok.

October also started very badly... I was loosing on the first 2 sessions of the month until I made 5 buyins on the 3rd one. Then I played The Big Bang with 5k guarantied  and finished 19th for a prize of $30 which obviously were well received :) the 18th made $40 but I lost a AQo vs AJo, what can you do...

Right now my bankroll is on the 130s so a couple of more good sessions and maybe by the end of the month I'll be playing 5NL. If things go the right way who knows, maybe I'll finally stick with it and leave 2NL behind me... But I don't want to get ahead of myself.

I'm also writing blogs on the PokerSchool, the next one is going to be pretty much like this one but other that the usual update about my game I'll probably stick with the motivation articles like the last one I wrote. Need that Big Bang ticket, that tournament works with me :)

Gaming wise just finished Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, pretty cool game gave me a hell of a good time. Ended up purchasing Dmc from Steam on one great deal ($11.99 for the game plus $2 something from the DLC, usually the game cost $49.99), but I think I'll finish the Witcher 2 before getting into that one.

Almost done with Breaking Bad Season 5, great series you get attached from beginning to end. Season 2 of Arrow started just great and Person of Interest Season 3 just mind blowing like always. Started with Marvel Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D. and so far so good, hoping it gets better with more cameos from the Avengers.

I'll stick with the plan and maybe on a couple of week from now I'll be at the 5NL tables, until then see ya around!

gl at the tables!


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