Still here, still alive

These past two weeks without the responsibility of grinding haven't been what I expected. The problems in the country are still as alive as ever and I haven't really found ways to remain productive.

Photo by Mathew MacQuarrie on Unsplash
Been sleeping in my parent's house for a month now because of the power cuts; they have a power generator so it doesn't affect them as much. The problem being getting fuel for the generator but that's just part of living here.

Due to that fact, my routines took a spin and I haven't been able to recover or at least figure something out. Been struggling to finish reading The Laws of Human Nature as it seems I'd rather procrastinate and do nothing at all than actually be productive. Somehow I managed to finish it this week.

Finally managed to get something done last week and publish a new piece on Medium but it wasn't easy, especially since I'd rather stare at the ceiling than actually work. Hoping it will get me back on the mindset to start publishing weekly as I first intended.

On another topic, a friend invited me to play poker at his office. A small cash game which helped me realize one thing: I still love the game.

Funny how I could easily identify the patterns of the opponents and almost predict their play. To be fair, they weren't very good to begin with but still, it was nice to play for a change.

As for the rest of my time, been mostly dividing it between starting new campaigns on Total War: Warhammer 2 and watching movies.

Got the opportunity to order two books which should arrive next week. While I wait, I decided to borrow and start reading A Song of Ice and Fire. The decision came after running out of things to read and the big disappointment with the final season of the TV show, really enjoying it so far.

Nothing more to add in these past couple of days. Will try to get back to publishing some more on Medium for a change to see where it leads. Not very active on Twitter lately or anywhere for that matter because of the internet problem but we'll see how it behaves in the next couple of days. Bringing a new update soon, until then!


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