3rd week done

I'm running into the last couple of days of the month and the same idea has been used all along: table selection and grinding. I'm trying to play a lot but I've been finding it hard to get more hours during the week. By the time I get home from the gym, take a bath, eat and then sit on the tables it's already 8-8:30pm and I've found that by 9pm there aren't that many fish. Still that's no excuse, I continue looking for week player to try and get that green line up. So far the month looks like this:

# of hands played: 4,565 this month
# of sessions: 12
Current Bankroll: $ 173.66 (+25.93)
VPP Count: 99.06

There are still a couple of sessions left before the month ends and I have high hopes about the next couple months to come. I've already said that a couple of times before but this might be it, now I'm regretting that I didn't start table selecting before... But there's not point in dwelling about it.

Last month I won the ticket for The Big Bang on the Poker School and forgot to play it (bummer right?) but I'll mark it on the calendar for next month. Other than that after finishing this blog I'm going to write a new one on the Poker School as well about this month back at the regular tables, not sure how it'll go but that is the main plan I have so far.

I just read on the blog of Team Online Katerina Malasidou a contest to win a trip to Greece to Pokerstars's VIP Club party next month, it's only about taking a picture inspired by the summer with the logo of Pokerstars somewhere around. Usually I'm not a fan of doing those kinds of things (Never Lucky BabyRage) but it doens't take much from me and the prize is pretty huge, I have a couple of days to make up my mind (until August 25th) but it's very likely that I'll just take a picture on a pool with my hat and a beer in hand.

The grind continues this weekend and I'm hoping to get to $200 or at least very close to keep on hunting the shot at NL10. Until next time!


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