Year review: 2015. 2016 already on the way

First of all, Happy New Year! 2015 was definitely a changing point for me and my poker, especially on the last two months with great things happening. After a long time struggling with the bottom of the microstakes I've been able to find a way out of it, mostly because I'm was getting coached by skilfulpoker. I've been able to maintain myself playing more regularly than before and for longer hours which of course translated into more volume and more profit. The question is: now what?

I found a new home at UnibetPoker and I have no plans to play somewhere else at the moment. The main goals I have are pretty straight forward and right now they seem doable to a certain extend.

- Become a regular at the NL25, ideally NL50 or beyond. Currently I'm at NL10 with a long way before taking my shot at NL25 but we're just getting started.

- Study more, learn the math of the game. On the last coaching session this past Saturday I had the opportunity to meet skilfulpoker's coach, which is a NL400 proffesional player, and he gave me some great insights of what to do on certain spots and why do it. One of the things he recommended was  learning the math of the game and honestly I've been struggling for a while with this one. He sent over a book called Poker Math That matters, I started reading it yesterday and I plan to read a couple of pages everyday.

- Continue hitting the gym 5 times a week, but this time paying attention to my diet. I struggle a lot with this one but I seriously want to get in better shape this year.

Those are my main thoughts, I also thought about starting writing about the challenge on Pokerstrategy but haven't really decided yet. It I do I'll add the page link to this blog.

The BR stands at €277.23 after making the first split with my coach, going to start playing NL10 today with my eyes on NL25. I'm thinking about taking the first shot at €500 so I have to start working really hard on that. Gonna continue updating this blog weekly to keep track of the progress. Until next time!


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