So far... Half good

I decided to put daily goals to myself to get the Hold'em manager for free (which is the current objective). I'm trying to grind 10 or more points in Winner Poker until I get to the 300 which will get me the software. Today I was able to catch up after playing 3 hours (give or take) on micro limits. Somehow I got back a couple of bucks I lost 2 days ago but still I'm 8 down from what I started playing with. I played 8 tables today then switched to 6 (I usually play just 4) and it wasn't that hard. Right now I have 115 points which means that soon enough I'll get the Hold'em Manager license for free which is great, unfortunately the holidays are coming this next week and since I'm going on a trip I will miss a couple of days playing... Never the less I fell good with my play and maybe on less than a month the license will be mine :D After that the pictures will start :D:D:D That's all for now see ya next time (Y)


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