Downswing week and stiff neck #feelsbadman

Last shot at NL25 didn't go as planned, ended up losing 2 and a half buy-ins and feeling like shit so I decided to move back down to NL10 to rebuild my BR and, more importantly, my confidence. Sadly enough, most of the losses came from coolers which continued to follow me back to NL10 as well. On top of that a bad move at the gym on Monday gave me an stiff neck making me feel even worst about everything. Had to skip the gym for the rest of the week and just focus on playing poker. 

Current BR on Unibet: from €80 to €610.38
Cash Tickets: €2.05
Tournament Tickets: €18

Ended up losing a few more buy-ins on NL10 as well which pushed me to take a few days off while I got over that crazy week. 

On those days I pushed my mind away from poker and focused on getting better with my "health issues". Played a good session in terms of play yesterday, despite losing a few bucks I felt great about the way I handled most situations so I'll count that as a win.

There are some exciting news coming my way, I'm getting a new coach which will hopefully help me get past NL25 and beyond, more about it coming soon.

Despite everything the BR is healthy enough to take a shot at  NL25 if I wanted to but I'll focus on NL10 for the time being while I get back on track with my game. Shouldn't really take much as long as I continue putting in the effort. I also have a few videos to watch, hopefully I'll start catching up tomorrow since the internet connection at work isn't working very well so can't take any chances playing poker. I'll come back next week with more news about coaching and hopefully some better results at the tables.


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