Annoyed but pushing

Couldn't play in 5 days straight for a number of reasons (work and/or internet problems) but when I finally hit the tables this week all I found was a downswing at my doorstep, although to be perfectly honest there was some tilt spews along those couple of buy-ins lost this week.

I reviewed a video I recorded a few days ago with my coach and there weren't like a big amount of mistakes to point out, he did add a few things I started working in today (we finished watching the video yesterday) and luckily I was running pretty ok. Also working on not paying much attention to the EV line as it seems like a waste of precious energy and time. Got to keep marking hands as I feel it's the part that's helping me the most.

By the time I get to 30k hands I'll have my database reviewed, specifically those small/medium sized pot to look for even more ways to improve. My sessions have not been that big this week mostly because I'm starting later than usual and/or get annoyed real fast because of the bad results I was getting, good thing that today's session lifted my spirit a little so I hope to be able to play a good session tomorrow after I'm done with a couple of errands early that day. This is a short little update, internet at home seems to be behaving correctly so I'll try and finish the week on a more positive kind of way, until next week!


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