Hating life again

Haven't played much lately but the highlight is that I'm back down 7 buy-ins thanks to 4 sick ass bad sessions. Can't begin to express the rage I'm feeling right now, especially at myself. To begin with I'm playing like shit, add a little bit of bad luck and some rushed decision and we get that little recipe for disaster I'm currently at. I'm starting a new set of ideas to help me focus on the sessions to come, hopefully it will work out as I really don't plan on staying down forever.

As in right now I'm exactly $75 down, first part of the new plan is to not check my results until the end of the month. This is something I should've done ages ago. One of my biggest issues is that I tend to check on my results every few minutes, either on HM2 or the cashier on the lobby... Starting tomorrow I'll just play and try my best to not pay attention to that and only focus on my play. Already removed those stats from HM2 and hid the BR of the lobby at 888poker.

Since I have a mini vacation planned to the end of November I should actually not check anything until that day. Another thing is that I decided to start a diet to compliment my workouts since the trip is to the beach, this is not poker related but should help with my mood. Also plan to start every single morning with a cup of tea and at least 5 minutes focusing on the rest of the day, meditation is not ruled out entirely.

Will stop taking things for granted and definitely focus on what I'm doing. I stopped writing on my notepad and that really helped blow steam so will get back on that. By focusing on my play and not on the money I hope to do things better. Even though 7 buy-ins isn't really much and shouldn't take long to get it back, it does feel like a huge deal to me and I can't continue that way. I was taking russian and italian lessons on Duolingo but I stopped doing them for no reason what so ever, haven't finished the book I bought recently and I have another one on the way so I'll get back on that too. The whining is over now, time to get my shit back together and focus again on getting back my mental strength. If possible I'll update more frequently the blog but the main focus is on getting back on my feet for real, until next time!


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