Still taking shots

Been moving still back and forth between NL10 and NL20, haven't been able to make that definitive jump but I'm hanging in there. Got to admit that a part of me kind of hoped for it to be easier but, then again, nothing worth while is easy in life.

The major thing I could get out of the experience is that all the aggressiveness I face on NL20 is making me uncomfortable, therefore I'm constanly looking for ways to adapt and stop feeling like everyone is making moves on me (which could be true but I know is far less than the way it feels in the moment). Missed 2 or 3 days of play last week for several different but normal reasons by my standards I guess. Already missed the session on Monday this week because of several things I had standing by at work (sometimes I do work) and I hadn't moved the database to the laptop so overall I didn't feel like trying to squeeze in a session just for the sake of doing so. Now that most of the work related stuff is done I can worry about playing some NL20 later in the day.

I haven't done much studying lately either, I did read a few articles here and there but nothing as serious as I'd like it to be. Despite everything I've been taking the bad beats with ease and not worrying too much about the missed session, mostly because the sessions I do play tend to be longer unless something horrible happens at the very begining.

Been hitting the gym regularly again, sleeping better, trying to eat better and taking my vitamins so I'm feeling better overall. Still doing my therapies so I'm hoping to be close to full recovery very soon. Next week there are some mini vacations because of a national holiday, usually starting on Thursday although sometimes we get the whole week, will know for sure in the next couple of days. The days off are when I get some serious hours of play and since I'm not planning any trip (because of my knee) I hope to get some good sessions. More news and updates coming next week.


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