Making mistakes but pushing forward

Things haven't been working for me lately on the tables, I realized that I've been making some serious mistakes that are really keeping me from moving forward again. Still having some troubles with my focus so it's safe to say that my performance in the last couple of session has been average to say the least.

Since not all can be bad, already have all the tests done for my appointment tomorrow with the rheumatologist. Certainly hope that I can start releasing some pressure from my brain, either that or I'll have more things to worry about. I'll know for sure tomorrow. Been having therapy every single day, except from last Monday because of Labor's Day, but I do feeel I'm getting better now. Already 9 sessions done out of the first 15, then I'll see the physiatryst to check on the progress. My thoughts? I believe I'll need more therapy but I'm definitely getting better.

On the poker front I didn't play on Sunday because I wasn't feeling very well and didn't play yesterday because of a doctor's appointment. Won't be able to play today either for the same reason which sucks but it's necessary. I feel that when I miss several sessions in a row my game drops down dramatically. Yesterday it took me the first couple of minutes to get the hang again of what I was doing, along with a buy-in I lost because I was dumb enough to not fold against an obvious monster hand. Which has been my number one leak in the last couple of weeks. My warm up has been bad or non existant lately so that adds to the rest of the issues.

On other news I've been moving foward with my book and already listened to two podcasts so I'm doing with some of my goals, Also doing pretty good with my italian lessons. Will try and do better today, take things slow and hopefully start getting some decent results once more.


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