Trying to get better

Been working on playing as much as I used to but life seems to get in the way on every turn. Doing my best to add more volume but I've become easily distracted by everything and not really enjoying the ride as much as I used to.

With the pain on my knee becoming more intense I had to look for a different place to get therapy on a more consistent basis, luckily I found one and started getting therapy every single day. Feels too soon to tell and there's still some pain but it's supposed to be because of the exercises I started doing. Also got most of the tests done to start the treatment with the rheumatologist, should see the doctor next Monday.

Due to the lack of time I had last week my main focus was on my usual cash games, leaving the spins on a hold. Also had a little accident with those. Was playing the $1 spins and read something about the $25s, so I clicked on it just to check it out. Since I usually have selected the $1s, after I finish my first couple of spins I just click on play without checking and start some new tables. This time it was on the $25s and accidentally registered on 4 of them (all my BR). Only managed to unregister on 2 of them, leaving me to play the other ones. Lost both of them along with half of the BR. Sad and unfortunate situation but nothing else to do about it.

Back on the cash tables, last time I checked the BR was at around $445. That was on Friday and I haven't checked results since then. Sessions on the weekend weren't great results wise and I'm sure I dropped 2 stacks yesterday. Plans so far are to get back on the horse and start playing some good poker again. Made some serious mistakes yesterday because I was really focused on the task, just counting the minutes until the Champions League game. Basically if I knew I'd just wanted to watch the game I shouldn't have played at all.

I think I've become a bit too disorganized, usually had my days planned but not so much lately. Random and not so random thoughts are moving through my mind, not leaving enough mental space to focus on the things that actually matter. Didn't listen to the podcasts I talked about last time and haven't finished the book I have here. So current plans for the month:

- Finish the book Thinking, Fast and Slow. More than half way there already.
- Listen to one interesting podcast a week.
- Resume the italian lessons on Duolingo.
- Write down twice a week on the journal.
- Play poker 6 days a week with a day off. That of course is unless I need to take another day to go to the doctor's office.

Pretty standard stuff, will focus on getting back up before setting some actual goals. Will also try to not be so negative on Twitter as I usually use it just to rant about how unlucky I get sometimes, just like somebody I know (coff @artysmokesps coff coff). Anyways, time to get working, next update coming next week.


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