What's else is changing? It's not only the design

Lot's of changes, not only in the design of the blog but also in what I plan to do moving forward from now.

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash
After yet another losing session at the cash tables last week I decided to drop them completely and just focus on the Spin & Go tables. Been playing cash games for years now and I just needed a change of pace, plus the possibilities on the spins seem to be pretty big at the moment.

So far I've been playing only one table at the time to try and focus on the decisions before adding another table. Starting at the $0.25 spins and working on seeing how many spins I can play on a day to make goals for next month. According to HM2 I've played 81 spins and it says I'm down $0.75 but it's actually $0.50, this is the current chip ev graph.

It shows how painful this games can be but at least I'm making the right decisions most of the times.

Outside of poker, I'm also learning a lot about blogging. Finished a free course on Udemy that showed some interesting tools to make my posts and blog look better, plus another blogging course I purchased last year but never got to finish.

After the first few videos, I realized my mistake in using any image I found around on google so that's why I'm working on changing the ones on older blogs.

I'm trying to add more features, like the about me and contact me pages but so far I'm actually very happy about the way is looking. Even though it's just a different theme it feels very far better now and a few people already enjoy the new look.

My greatest enemy right now is the power cuts that randomly happen throughout the day. That's just life in this (shithole) country. I'll try to still add volume to have something concrete by April.

As always the daily updates are on my Twitter, along with the occasional rant and random tweet. I'm still working on my stress related post, will try to release it this week. Next update coming by next Monday, until then!


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