Back at it
After all the complicated stuff happening around here I finally managed to put some volume on at least one day. Hoping to continue doing that throughout this week as well.
Already played 180 spins, nor particularly impressive but with enough effort in the next couple of days, I should finish this sample by the end of the week. The end of the week being Saturday or Sunday this time.
In terms of play, the tables feel very soft. Haven't seen much that could make me worry other than my own tilt making me give away money to the fish.
My Ev is also ok, sitting at around 78. Shouldn't have any problems maintaining or even improving it as long as the coolers stay far away from me, which would be very much appreciated.
Outside of the poker realm, I'm doing pretty good on my plans with Medium. Published another post last week and I feel my writing keeps improving the more I do it. Haven't been able to publish more than one story per week but I have enough material to work on for future posts, just have to organize myself a little better.
After the blackout, the gym remained closed until today so I'll finally be resuming my very much needed training. The power surges happening at random times made them do that so it is what it is.
If everything works out I should be playing $3 tables again next week. Will keep posting random stuff on my Twitter and be back with a new blog post next week, until then!
Already played 180 spins, nor particularly impressive but with enough effort in the next couple of days, I should finish this sample by the end of the week. The end of the week being Saturday or Sunday this time.
In terms of play, the tables feel very soft. Haven't seen much that could make me worry other than my own tilt making me give away money to the fish.
My Ev is also ok, sitting at around 78. Shouldn't have any problems maintaining or even improving it as long as the coolers stay far away from me, which would be very much appreciated.
Outside of the poker realm, I'm doing pretty good on my plans with Medium. Published another post last week and I feel my writing keeps improving the more I do it. Haven't been able to publish more than one story per week but I have enough material to work on for future posts, just have to organize myself a little better.
After the blackout, the gym remained closed until today so I'll finally be resuming my very much needed training. The power surges happening at random times made them do that so it is what it is.
If everything works out I should be playing $3 tables again next week. Will keep posting random stuff on my Twitter and be back with a new blog post next week, until then!
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