Life getting in the way

I talked last week about getting my schedule in order to make room for the sessions, but everything that could get broken got broken and I just couldn't get past those issues in time.

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Normal stuff that is supposed to happen in a normal house happened last week, no problem there. My problem was that too many things happened at the same time building a lot of stress and taking more energy than I first intended to give.

The water pump got broken (again), clogged sewer (again), power generator also getting broken (again), all at the same time. Adding the, still, inconsistent schedule with electricity was just enough to make me lose my shit very quickly.

Overall, I only played one session on Saturday. It started at 9 pm and got interrupted at 10 pm after the unexpected power cut. I felt fine during the session but wasn't running very good either way.

To distract me from all the noise and shit I went back to my reading schedule.

Currently on Book 4 of Meditations trying to make progress every day. I also started reading A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms since I borrowed a few weeks ago after finishing A Dance with Dragons.

I'm planning a small vacation soon in which I hope to return with a few new books. My Amazon wishlist is full of ideas so there is a lot to choose from.

Since I'm publishing a new update on time for a change I hope to continue the streak and play a session today. Internet is not working at home but I can manage with my phone, all I need is to actually sit down and get the session going.

With that, I'm finishing up this update. Not much to talk about since there wasn't a lot of poker last week. Hope that changes today. Bringing a new update next week, until then!


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