Very slow week

The week ended in a flash and, unfortunately, I couldn't keep up. No idea where my time went, all I could manage is to play on Saturday and Sunday. Despite that, I'm only working until this week so I'll have a few weeks to focus on poker soon.

Photo by Alex Ivashenko on Unsplash

As promised, here are the results so far.

A little over 40000 for over $70 in profit plus a few bonuses. Not at all what I had in mind at first but, all things considered, it could be worst.

With the possibility of more time to play there is a chance I can make something good happen before the year ends. On the top of my list, moving up to NL10.

I'm still working on my ranges, especially on 3 bets. Been expanding both my raises and calls, trying to find out what seems to be working. It is a work in progress.

Other than that, I'm currently on Book 9 of Meditations while I look for my next book to read.

Running a bit short of time to I'll leave it at this. Will bring a far more detailed update next week, until then!


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