May review

It seems May was doomed to be a bad month after all. The losing sessions kept piling on and grinding my way past them just wasn't working. Sadly enough, the bad luck spread out to life in general so by the end of it I was just counting the hours for June to start.

Overall, my play wasn't particularly bad but it wasn't good either. It seems to me that even though I know how bad beats can and will happen I wasn't prepared to face so many in a row. The result was that the analytical part of my brain took a back seat and left my emotions in control of my game. Not a good strategy. Technically, $30 is just 6 buy-ins of NL5 so it wasn't that bad all things considered.

On Friday, my account was locked after several unsuccessful tries to log in. 888poker was asking to type a code that was being sent to my email but never arrived. Then, when I was trying to change my password to unlock the account, the code that was sent to my phone wasn't working either. I tried several times until I decided that May was cursed and took the weekend off. Like I said, shitty month. On Monday, June 1st, I unlocked my account on the first try.

I was able to return to the office a few weeks ago but there isn't much work to be done. Then the internet died there as well so it's just another day in this country. No wonder I've been so stressed lately.

Now on a more positive note.

The return to work allowed/forced me to get up early once again. Which gives me, once again, an hour of time to relax, think, read, and drink coffee without any worry. I talked about the benefits (in my opinion) on getting up early on a post I wrote on Medium last year.

After reading a few pages of The Mental Game of Poker 2 I dropped it and started reading Atomic Habits. I don't know if my taste for books changed or I got used to writers like Ryan Holiday, but I found the writing in TMGP2 pretty bland and boring. Will probably pick up Everything is F*cked next.

I am continuing my read on Poker Math That Matters because that one is keeping me interested, plus it can be helpful if I apply myself and the quiz section at the end of each chapter are very good.

I found a short and great workout on the YouTube channel of Athlean X that I've been doing and I'm happy to finally do some sort of physical activity once again.

I'm thinking about changing the URL of the blog to make it more general. That way I might find some motivation to write other sorts of posts, like the ones I have on Medium.  I will obviously continue to post my frequent updates because it keeps me focused on my goals.

With that being said, I'll end with the goals for June. I'm feeling far more relaxed this month and very much motivated to get good results in poker and in life. It's my birthday month so I get to be hopeful, right? More news coming up on the next update, until then!

Goals for June:
  • Play 30k hands.
  • Move back up to NL5 (at $150).
  • Take one day off per week.
  • Finish reading Atomic Habits.
  • Write one new post for Medium and publish it in this blog as well.


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