April so far

The first recap comes a week later but it was only to have a better sample to talk about. Unfortunately so far the month has been very slow in terms of volume, value and number of sessions, mostly because of me not being willing to do the work. So far things look like this.

# of hands played: 12,203 this month
# of sessions: 6
Current Bankroll: 193.73
VPP Count: 218.84 this month

Nothing too bad but not great either. This weekend for example I failed to play today (Sunday) because of a new TV Show I just couldn't stop watching, Marvel's Daredevil on Netflix. I watched 6 episodes in a row (almost an hour per episode), by that moment I lost my window of opportunity to play. Between that and other issues I just lost a couple of chances to play. The good news (if I can look at it that way) is that there are only 3 episodes left and then I can go back to normal.

I started to read The Mental Game of Poker 2 again which is one of the goals for the month, there's a lot in that book I didn't remember and I'm planning to do the work necessary to make it count. So far I think it's helping me, the last two sessions I felt my aim for playing well and/or in the zone seemed to be working so far.

I'm improving in some aspects of the game and I'm hoping the results will show that this month, I need it to keep my hopes up. I know that by playing and understanding the nature of this game I should not be worrying about the results, but at the end of the day we play this for the money right? we want to make more money on this game right? guess I'm not that mentally strong. I'm aiming to turn around my results, maybe this week will be a good one, until next time!


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