Grinding it... Down?

Well... The downswing arrived earlier that expected... Although, to be honest, I was playing horribly bad on those sessions and there nothing left to do that trying to get better and learn from doesn't bad sessions. I was tilting a lot, which led me to play wider than usual, which led me to be in uncomfortable situations, which led me to me more mistakes, which led to where I am right now. The good news (always the optimistic) is that I have a couple of days to try and not finish the month so bad...

# of hands played: 13,467 this month
# of sessions: 11
Current Bankroll: $ 123.46 (-16)
VPP Count: 240.04 this month

I recorded my last session to check it out later in the look for leaks. It also helped me try out some things for the Twitch channel if I ever decide to do it. After those bad sessions I decided to go back to basic since I felt my fundamentals are very bad when I'm on tilt.

I'm thinking about the possibility of meditation, I've never done it but it could help keep my mind straight since there's been a lot of things happening in my personal life I'll not get here since this is a poker blog. I do talk about my personal life a little but it's not really the objective of this nor is my way of looking at things. Other than that I need to get back to studies and writing things down, when I write it I learn it faster (it's easier for me, and not only speaking about poker).

As I write this down I'm loading a training video, hopefully it will help me with the things I'm trying to learn/reinforce. And that is basically how things stand, I'm going to do my best to have a decent couple of sessions on the next couple of days. It could be a nice birthday present to me (my birthday is on the 27th). It took me a while to sit down and write this down but it was mostly due to the bad results I've been having but it's all part of the game. Nothing more to add, time to study! Time to grind!


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