Back from the trip - September review

I missed like two updates on the blog but work was getting a little heavy and the trip to the US got in the way as well. Overall the month ended very badly dropping down a little on the BR which will push me back to NL2 at the beginning of October. The biggest issue in my mind was the lack of time or better said the lack of play which happened for a number of reason I'll state on the next paragraph, for now this are the numbers for the month.

# of hands played: 5,083 this month
# of sessions: 13
Current Bankroll: $ 146.42
VPP Count: 190ish

As I said I just couldn't play much. I arrived on Saturday and only played on Monday and Wednesday because between power issues and internet issues (beautiful country) I just couldn't play. Now I'm supposed to play this Saturday which gives me two days to prepare for the grind. My objectives are pretty much the same as last month, try to push some volume into my play along with looking for ways to keep my motivation to play as high as possible. The one that's been helping a lot with the motivation part is Gripsed with his Youtube videos, now I laugh at myself for hating him for no reason what so ever. On the strategy part Nathan "blackrain79" Williams has been posting a lot more frequently on his blog and he always give good advice and information.

Other than that I plan to check on some hands I played last month and watch some videos before hitting the tables this weekend, hopefully I'll get a good sized session. Also I'll just work on not checking my results until the end of the session to see if it helps me remain focus on the task. That's it for now, until next time!


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