One week into it, can't really complain

For the first time in a long time (if not ever) I've been playing poker every single day, might be in part due to the fact that I'm running pretty hot at the moment but, then again, I guess we are supposed to seize those opportunities as they show up. One small let down, if I can call it that, is the fact that since I'm not playing on Pokerstars at the moment I have no HUD and no info what so ever about stats and stuff like that. The only stuff I can track are the number of days I play, an approximation of the time I play and obviously money won.

# of sessions: 7, 1-2 hours each
Current BR: from 80 to 135.08 euros

I was suppose to play some sessions at Pokerstars but with the bonus available to me on Unibet there's really little to no motivation to go somewhere else. The 200 euros bonus is release on chunks, already unlocked the first euro and working my way towards the next 4, obviously not focusing entirely on it but you just got to love free money.

By now I can say I'm very much comfortable at the 6-max tables, there's no tilt bothering me or anything. The only real problem would be the over excitement I'm feeling, can't wait to make the jump to the next stake which is the thing I've always had planned from the start of the year. I should really try to make my BR at Pokerstars grow a little bit as well since it's sitting at $59.99, but there's no real rush there. At the end I should really try to move between sites to mix things up.

As I finish this I'll play another session, I might take a break on Saturday if I end up running a couple of errands that might take me all day. Next update will probably come with a month review, haven't really decided it yet. Until then!


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