Sadly enough, moving back a bit

Last week started pretty ok while I was working on adjusting to playing in the laptop again. Unfortunately things took a sad turn on Wednesday when I decided to play another session after my work hours. I was playing super bad, my opponents were getting lucky as fuck, couldn't hit a hand to save my life and, on top of it, I kept overplaying the little hands I received. Overall it was a disaster and I ended up paying for it.

By the end of the session I had dropped 6 buy-ins, the last drop was when I flopped a flush and a retard just shoved so I said fuck it. He did it with the Ace of hearts in hand and of course he had to hit the nut flush on the turn. Obviously at that point I understood that I wasn't going to win so I just closed the tables and started feeling sorry about myself for not quitting earlier (lol right?). Decided to set a "no matter what" stop loss limit of 3 buy-ins, adding the term "quit if" makes it harder to quit so I decided to work like that. The next day the fish again were getting a bit too lucky getting 2 stacks from me and then I blew away the third one, so I hit the stop loss limit in under 30 minutes.

The whole thing was a mess and it felt even worst because I was very close to my current goal, that made me impatient and careless. After that things went back to normal except from Saturday when someone took all the profit of the day in the last hand of the session (wasn't much to begin with) so it turned into a break-even session.

Other than that I've been focusing on a promo running on 888. You pretty much have a Bingo chart that you complete by doing daily missions, everytime time you finish a mission you get a prize and if you finish one line you get a bigger one with a chance of getting up to $5000, if you finish the whole chart the prize goes up to $100000 I think. Sadly enough I can't finish the card because of one single mission I just haven't been able to complete the two times I've got it, which is to finish in the money on a tournament. I'm not by any means a mtt player and even though I've tried a lot I just haven't been able to pull it off. Other than that it's been fun to play something else like Blast and any other tournament once in a while, as long as getting in the money is not a requirement to finish the mission.

Despite the little setback I'm still playing everyday for both the promo and working on building the BR up, the shot at NL25 is pretty close and I'd very much enjoy starting the year trying out the new limit. There's still a lot of things to work on, more news coming next week.


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