February review

February is over and with it a few important things that were in my priority list since the beginning of the year. The most important one was the surgery which was done early this month, the recovery is on the move but sadly enough I can't tell for sure if it actually work. There's still some pain as a result of the surgery, can't stretch the leg completely so it does hurt a bit when I walk but it's a different kind of pain from the one I had before. Still I'm doing my best to move through that.

In that regard the bad news are that even though I should get back to normal soon the doctor recommended not to engage in any physical activities for at least 3 month due to the nature of the procedure. That means no soccer and no gym for the time being, kind of a let down but I'm a good patient so I plan to follow the instructions as I was told. I have the order to start the therapies this Wednesday which should help me recover sooner, plan to ask the doctor if I could maybe start training sooner. Obviously just the upper part of the body for the time being, just to start getting active again.

Now let's talk a bit about poker. It's been a pretty rough start at the poker tables these past two month and I'm not gonna lie, at times it felt as if I was moving one step up and two steps down. Despite that I did learn some things but didn't study at all, can't lie about, I just didn't do it. Had several videos just waiting around but the urge to play just kept me from doing what I was supposed to. Was trying my best not to check results as often, usually managed to wait a few days or even a week before checking which at the end helped me keep focus on the game. The volume was rather low after missing several sessions and because of it, variance has been taking a toll on me. At least I ended the month winning 5 buy-ins so that actually helped my motivation a bit. Now the plan would be to focus on some good playing and start studying again, started watching a video about HUD stats which I plan to finish in the next couple of days. Along with it I started working on a new pop up for my HUD which is coming along just fine. Time to start working hard to get to NL25, since I haven't taken out the money I've won from promotions and tournaments I'm closer.

Writing again on my notebook really helps as well. Right now I have 3 or 4 videos to watch and review so that should keep me busy for the rest of the week in terms of study. Hope to do well this month, time to but poker back up in the priority list. Will bring more news next week, until then!


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