Surgery done, forced vacations I suppose

The stress from the surgery came to an end as I finally got through that. I'd be lying if I said that the surgery didn't weight heavily on the back of my mind while I was trying to do anything else, but that is over now and I only need to focus on the recovery. That and finding stuff to do while being in the house because I can't play poker all day long but I'll get into that later.

As planned I had the surgery on Wednesday and because of that poker had to be down on the priorities list for the time being. This was my first surgery and it was kind of weird. It was supposed to start at 10:30 am but the doctor took quite a while with the patient before me, so I got in at 1pm. Before I knew it they put me to sleep and then I appeared in a room a few hours later. Overall it went pretty well, even better than expected. The best part is that the recovery is not gonna take months but a couple of weeks, the sad news is that the problem didn't come from a sports injury but a medical condition I have and didn't know could cause such an issue. Long story short I have to see an specialist to have everything in check to avoid future situations like this one.

Pokerwise I haven't played very much, sadly on those times I did play things didn't go very well. There were many spots where I just couldn't make the right decision and on those times when things just weren't working for me I found ways to make it even worst. Despite that I'm slowly trying to get back on my feet, starting with looking to play as much as I used to before taking the short break. I really wanted to take the shot at NL25 by this month but with everything that's been happening and with only to weeks left for February to end I highly doubt I'll be able to make it. Still I hope to play a bit everyday and who knows, I might get lucky from here to the end of the month. About to begin today's session, more news coming next week.


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