Brand new start

The very first days of the month started far better than expected, managed to grind with ease and it felt pretty good overall. The usual suckouts from my opponents didn't pull me down as it was happening a few weeks ago, it wasn't bothering me at all which I'll take as a sign that my mental strenght is improving again.

Started watching videos and reading articles again which made me work on a new pop up for my HUD, not done with it yet but it's starting to shape just fine. Didn't check my results until yesterday and it was just great to see that things were starting to look better. With bonuses and all the BR is at $482 so with a little more of grind I'll be able to take the shot at NL25 this week. A thing to add is that yesterday I was getting extremely lucky, I was hitting hads all over the place and on top of that I was getting paid. On the very first minutes I found myself with QQ beating AA, JJ beating QQ and flopping several sets that got paid for 50bb and some for full stacks. After an hour and a half of play I decided to quite the session, even though there were still several weak players out there ready to give up their money. On Saturday I had a long session that lasted 3 hours exactly, which was kind of a new record for me, and I started feeling the weight of that one so decided it was better to take that break and chill for the rest of the day. So the plan for these couple of days would be to continue grinding the NL10 tables, maybe drop down to 4 tables to just focus on good play and get the BR above the $500 mark so I can take the shot on the weekend. I'd rather play at home without distractions, since it's my first session at NL25 in a very long time I want to give it my full attention. I know this shot might not be successful but just doing it is motivation enough to continue grinding and improving. Will probably only use 3 buy-ins, if the worst happens then I'll just go back to NL10 and grind myself back up, then continue trying again until I'm finally settle up there. Then I'll start giving thoughts to the next step.

On another news I got the ok from the doctor to start working out again, at least the upper part of my body. Can't train legs until the 3 months but that's fine, I just want to start doing any kind of exercise as I'm feeling pretty tired all the time and need to start getting active again. Also decided to start eating better too, this past month I've been eating way too much crap so it's time to put an end to it. Had a hard time finding a therapist to start doing the sessions but apparently I solved that today, should start tomorrow. I can also travel again so I started planning out my vacations, still working on the details.

I got some new reading material last week to continue adding stuff to my small library, non poker related that is. The book is Thinking, Fast and Slow and is one of two book I purchased recently, it was recommended on Mark Manson's blog and since I really enjoyed his book I don't think he's recommending bad stuff to his readers. Haven't had the time to really dive into it but I'm trying to read a few pages every day.


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