Current mood: taking shots

Past Sunday I took yet another shot at the NL20 tables which was unsuccessful again. Not many things to complain about other than a few silly costing mistakes and a stack I lost set vs set. I'm seeing some of the same people moving back and forth between NL10 and NL20 so I have some pretty decent sample on most of the regs out there, now the main objective would be to have a good session and continue building the BR to start thinking about NL30.

Building myself back up when I'm move down to NL10 seems easier than ever. Not sure if there are more fish playing or I just got better at finding them, but either way it's taking less time for me to rebuild to continue taking shots and that's keeping me motivated. I think right now I should focus on playing less tables of NL20 to try and focus on the play instead of volume, last time I tried playing only two tables work just fine (it's was NL10 during a big downswing but still...)so that seems like a good option at the moment.

On Sunday I felt more comfortable than during the first couple of sessions played on NL20, regarding the size of the bets and overall game. Feels like it took me too long to get used to NL10 and I don't want to spend more time than necessary on that part of the process. Trying to keep a good mindset and not rush things over. Also, I watched a video yesterday of RegiTime Poker on his opinion about having poker as a hobby and I really recommend it.

On another note I feel pretty good about the recovery of my knee, the therapies are working great and I'm sure it shouldn't take more than a few weeks before I can start jogging at the very least. Using stairs is no longer an issue so I'm also very happy about that. Was supposed to post this yesterday but got a bit too lazy, will try to post next update earlier next week. Until next time.


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