Looking better and better

After the tough beginning, I can finally say things are going my way. The new schedule with lots of table selection allowed me to lift my BR up for the first time since I started this new chapter.

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

I started playing at around 8:30/9 pm my time (5:30/6 pm PST) with success in both finding the fish and getting the results I want. I took my first shot at NL5 last night and immediately saw the gap between that and NL2. Far bigger than what I first anticipated.

To be fair, I was playing a very simple but effective style not 3-betting much and folding a lot to aggression. After my first session at NL5, I can say that I need to make some adjustments, particularly with my 3-betting ranges.

I found myself getting 3-bet a lot with no real answer other than folding a lot. That kind of play worked at NL2 but don't think it's sustainable higher up the stakes.

Also, there weren't as many tables available at that particular hour so I was mixing up NL2 with NL5 tables to keep 6 active during the whole session.

The BR sits at a little over $180 and the idea would be to take the shot at NL10 at $300. Would consider taking it at $250 if I feel confident enough.

On another note, I did finish A Dance with Dragons and just made me sad about the way things were handled in the Tv show. It seems to me they could've made something better but that is over now. While I wait for Stillness is the Key (arriving in two weeks) I started my 2nd read of Meditations on the weekend to see what can I get from it.

The latest post I've been working on for Medium is looking good but I want to make it a bit longer, will try and work to publish it tomorrow. Also working on adding more stuff to the blog, including an email list, feel like it's been long overdue.

And this brings an end to this week's update. I'll try to tweet a bit more since I've been forgetting about it lately. Bringing a new update next week, until then!


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