August week 1: good start, bad ending

Last week things were moving forward with my goals and before I realized it my BR was more than enough to take the shot at NL20. Sadly enough, things went down rather fast and with no way of getting back up.

I fired up the NL20 tables yesterday and after a few rounds of me getting used to the tables, I was on my way to play as good as possible. At the very beginning won a stack from a fish only to lose it against a lucky fish. Then I was battling with a reg who was just 3betting me on a regular basis, long story short got the money in good against him and he got the lucky card on the turn on one occasion and on the river the next time. That was followed by a few unfortunate hands where I kept losing 50-70bb against bad players, rounding it up to almost 5 buy-ins dropped at NL20 in one sitting.

After a quick check of the biggest losing hands of the session, I can confirm that I got unlucky on the biggest pots and made some tilt-based bad calls on some medium sized pots. Even today I'm complaining a little about that unfortunate session. Guess it's because the tables were actually profitable with all the fish hanging around and I was just not able to get things my way. Now it's time to hit the NL10 tables again and move forward from there.

In terms of my goals, I've been working on most of them. Doing lessons everyday of the web developer course, working every day on Duolingo and the poker volume seems to be on point. I'm actually feeling better after writing about it, although I've complained quite a bit on Twitter. I've also been listening to podcasts, going from poker to different kind of subjects (Joe Rogan's podcast it's amazing). On a more personal note, I haven't seen the physiatrist yet but I'm hoping to see her today to continue my progress. Did a yoga class yesterday to try something new, not yet ready to give an opinion so I'll continue with it to see if I end up liking it. Either way, I'm gonna continue working and start the session after lunch.


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