Plans for August

With all that's been happening recently in this country, I've been spending most of my time thinking about possible scenarios and not focusing on the things I can actually control. The ever changing economy that is getting to crazy levels of bad is making me doubt most of my recent decisions, which is not very healthy. To think that the gold on World of Warcraft is worth more than our currency is pretty sad. Either way, decided to cut the crap and focus on the things that could possibly help me make things better, for myself at least.

Last month, poker was filled with ups and downs and couldn't really take one shot at NL20 despite being very close at some point. I was very disappointed with the results but most of the bad ones were just bad play on my part, a little unlucky along the way but can't put the blame anywhere else. August is already on its way and decided that the best way to move forward right now is to write down a plan. I just thought about this stuff last night and continued doing so this morning, so most of the plan can be adjusted along the way.

  • Play at least 25k hands this month.
  • Write a non-poker related post. General topic, maybe motivational one.
  • Review DB once per week.
  • Take at least one shot at NL20 this month.
  • Continue with the Italian lessons on Duolingo.
  • Watch at least one video of the web development course per day and do the exercises without looking at the solution right away.
  • Start working out again.
The 25k might sound like a small number but with work related stuff and sometimes internet issues I think that is something I can work with, hoping to get even higher than that but we'll see. I know I try to make this a poker blog exclusively but I find writing on different subjects helps free space in my mind that is just bloated with garbage thoughts. I am mostly worried about reviewing the DB, it's something I neglect a lot but will work hard on getting it done.

Already on a 35 days streak on my Italian lessons so doubt I'll lose it. Also helpful as a distraction to be honest. The web development course if moving forward steadily, only miss days when the internet doesn't work properly. I'm seeing the physiatrist today to check if I'll need more therapy or not. I'm feeling better about my knee but not 100%, will know her opinion soon enough.

I'll do a weekly recap of the goals and look forward to fulfilling them all this month, it's already Thursday so I'm going to try and get the next update by Monday. Time to get started with my schedule, see you next week!


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